Build capacity of Substance Abuse Connect (SAC) to sustain progress.
Activities List
“A coalition that creates a safe space to have hard conversation” Kristin Lundgren
“Collective impact” describes an intentional way of working together and sharing information for the purpose of solving a complex problem. Proponents of collective impact believe that the approach is more likely to solve complex problems than if a single nonprofit were to approach the same problem(s) on its own. While collective impact seems very similar to plain old “collaboration,” there are certain characteristics that distinguish collective impact initiatives – and make them successful.

Collective Impact Framework

Communities That Care
Communities That Care is a science-based public health approach proven to promote healthy youth development and reduce youth health and behavior problems community wide. Communities That Care employs the Social Development Strategy to foster young people’s wellbeing through opportunities, skill-building and recognition. In this way, protective factors are strengthened and risk factors are reduced, resulting in healthier kids, families and communities. A rigorous scientific trial of the Communities That Care model demonstrated reductions in rates of youth violence, crime and substance use.