Fall 2017: AID Montana
initiated by Montana Attorney General – a comprehensive approach to addressing Montana’s substance abuse problem, through coordinated treatment, education, and enforcement.

Spring 2018: Uniting Stakeholders
SAC organizes Phase 1 Leadership Team for assessment and planning and engages community.

Winter 2018: Getting Started
SAC forms as companion to PROJECT SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD, an enforcement coalition substantially reducing the SUPPLY of illegal drugs and drug-related crime.

May 2018: One PAGE Plan written
Verbal Commitments made.

June 2019: Yellowstone County Assessment published
Clearly Yellowstone County has a substance abuse crisis. Interest grows and membership swells.

Jul 2019 – Sep 2019: Resource Mapping
Over 100 individuals and fifty organizations participate in 4 days of Sequential Intercept Mapping.
- Gaps and Resources Identified
- Community prioritizes next actions

Feb 2020: SAC Action Plan published
Interest grows and membership swells.

Mar 2020: Implementation Begins
Leadership restructured for Implementation. Two Tasks Forces work on action items in the plan.

April 2020
Chairs equipped, work groups readied Formal MOUs

May 2020
Work Groups start meeting

June 2018: First Funding
Coalition receives grant from Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Task Force

Oct 2019 – Jan 2020 Prioritization of Strategies
Strategies and actions determined based on need, expert input, community votes, do-ability, and potential impact. Nothing made the plan that did not have a champion.